Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Oh, and also:

I really like marker boards...

Seriously! If I sit down and try to get something done, it isn't long before my neck crriiicckkk-cracks behind me and sees the board, and...

"Ooh, markers. ♥"

It's a very good thing that tonight, all of the coloured markers (other than black) are in the presentation room which is off-limits, so I'm not tempted!

...Not as much.

Some drawings of creatures were already here, so I added to them! ♥

That's what is done, you know? It's completely commonplace!

This is commonplace, see?

Actually, I popped in a day or two later to find Kirby's Dreamland being held by a hairy monster! (And, actually, the above was added by me to join in on the fun. Oops.)
So, in kind...

How can I be simultaneously this awesome and this lame?
It's a shame I didn't get 'before' pictures.
Sorry for that.

The tiny text?
To the person I'm certain drew these (judging by style and nickname):

"Looking at this I realise that this is horrifying. Let's never collaborate on anything ever again."

Honestly though, if we did, it would probably be fun.
I wonder how many design collaborations I'll find myself in?
It isn't something I think about terribly much.

In other news, for tonight, I've forgotten what sleep is.


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