Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Another odd dream!

I dreamt I was determined to go out of town this Summer, claiming, "I'll take a bus if I have to!" So, I decided upon going to New York... by foot.
I began the trip at New Jersey, somehow, and was going to go to New York. By walking. Through desert. The vast New Jersey desert.

On the way, two scorpions chased me. I was worried, "Is this normal? Are they dangerous?" but some girls, who were apparently some kind of singing group, said "Oh yeah, that's normal, you've just got to run!" So, we ran whilst they tried to get me to go to their website and check out their stuff. They were all wearing the same large, dark purple tee shirt with their logo and sponsors on it.

As we ran, I looked up in the sky to see THE POOFIEST SEAGULLS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN. These were like, puffs of bird. I have no idea how they got themselves to fly. Behind them were similarly shaped clouds you had to squint to see, and they had googly eyes. Why can't seagulls and clouds really be like this?

Eventually as we walked, we came across some urban decay. Billboards were springing up, as were buildings that looked like leftovers from the Roman Empire. So, the girls hopped onto one building and said to me, "Come up here! Let's think of ideas no one's ever thought before!"

So, I got up on the building and woke up.

 By request, the puffbirds. 

I kind of slap-hazardly doodled the environment. 

 Even the scorpions were bubbly. 

It wasn't unsettling at all! I was only mildly aware that NJ doesn't have a desert with ruins, but it seemed like fun at the time. Fast paced with an objective in mind, so it seemed fun. Also, in the dream, I thought I'd never been to a desert before so when I saw scorpions and birds like that I thought, "Oh, is this normal for a desert! OK! Those are just desert birds! Got it." I've been through deserts before, though...

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