Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am so stressed out...

It's OK. Finals are about over and I have a project I want to knock out before the weekend! Hopefully once this finals shitstorm is over, I can spend some time doing some important things! Also, good things. I need that.

Your shadow follows me.
It won't leave me at peace.

In more positive news, my Tuesday class is over! Is it me, or is the day brighter? It's like a fog has lifted from  the frames of my glasses. I had projects I could have gotten an early start on, but for a day like this, sleeping late in celebration was too good to pass up. ♥

When I made this new blog, I'd decided to make it more of a diary than senseless monologue, so here goes my best attempt at this:

The weekend's fair. Did I have time for it? No. Did I make time? Yes. Snackfood and puppies and good times! Also...

...It was only after I'd ordered it that I realised how it matched my dress.

A day in the east neighbourhood in the city!!
When I say 'the city', old habits make me think of New York... This couldn't be further from the case.

Doesn't this look peaceful?
In the case of the larger one, I was told, "Look out, he can get mean!", but he was a dear about posing for me. When I got too close, he just waddled off into the water. I thought he was lovely.
As for the other, look! ♥ Babies. They were following their momma. Isn't that sweet?
Once when I was a child, I played with baby ducklings. I was completely horrified of them, though, and I remember scrambling away from them so quickly, to my classmates' amusement. Looking at them now, it's hard to imagine ever feeling that way about them. They're so cute!

Anyway, this is definitely the greatest Tuesday I've had in quite some time.
I can get to work later, and I will, but for now I'm just enjoying the nice weather.

Why can't it stay like this?

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